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Donate to NBS


Over 500 homeless and abandoned animals have found new homes through our efforts - could you help us rescue more?

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Physical Donation Drop-Offs

NBS Animal Rescue

c/o Innovative Environments

35 West Square Lake Road

Troy, MI 48098

Monday-Friday: 9AM-4PM

NBS Animal Rescue

c/o Specialty Sealants

35536 Mound Road

Sterling Heights, MI 48310

Monday-Friday: 9AM-4PM

No Animals Can Be Accepted at either location - administrative only.  Please see Request Help if you need to surrender a dog.
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Amazon Wishlist

Want to give items?  Have them shipped directly to us through Amazon.


Link us to your Kroger card and we receive 3% back on your grocery purchases!  Our charity number is 91433.


We can always use people to help put on fundraisers, events and to become foster homes.

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